100+ Women Who Care St. Catharines

How it Works
Join Us
When We Meet
For Charities
100+ Women Who Care
Together, in one hour, we impact a charitable cause - we do this four times a year by simply writing a cheque for $100. With 100 plus women giving to one cause we can make a difference in the lives of the people of St. Catharines.
Join Us
You can be part of giving too! Join us if you
are committed to helping others in our community but are stretched for time
want to be part of a group of local women making an immediate, direct and postive impact on the lives of others
wish 100% of your donations to go directly to local charity;
hope to learn more about the many worthy charities impacting the people of St. Catharines
To join 100+ Women Who Care complete and submit the Committment Form.

Our Next
Our next meeting date is May 30, 2018
Be part of an amazing group of women who care about community causes and seek to serve others.